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New property on Korcula

4568/30 island of Korcula, 30 m from the beach. The house
Selling price : 500 .000 €
Living space : 220 m²
Land space : 400 m²
Advantages : Swimming pool, Sea View, Parking / garage
4536/30 Korcula island. Detach house
S O L D ! ! !
Selling price : 1 €
Living space : 400 m²
Land space : 1000 m²
Advantages : First row to the sea, Sea View, Parking / garage
2018/23 island of Korcula, apartment house
Selling price : 550 .000 €
Living space : 400 m²
Land space : 600 m²
Advantages : Sea View, Parking / garage
2014/40 near Dubrovnik. apartments
Selling price : 142 .000 €
Living space : 47 m²

Advantages : Parking / garage
2016/32 island of Vis. Building land
Selling price : 350 .000 €

Land space : 2755 m²
Advantages : Sea View

Blato property services and real estate for sale, Korcula island property for sale, Blato house for sale, Blato hotel for sale, Blato Croatia building land plot for sale; Blato Croatia house sales, Blato Croatia hotel, Blato Croatia land plot, Blato commercial property for sale in Korcula island and Korcula property services and real estate services on island Korcula, Croatia


With its harmonious urban whole, Blato aroused interest of a number of travelogue writers as early as the 18th century. The centre of the town features a nice line of lime-trees, stretching for more than 1 km, providing a unique experience in June, when lime-trees are blossoming.

The most beautiful view on Blato and its surroundings is offered from the road leading to the southern coast, where many accommodation facilities are located. These are the picturesque coves of Grscica and Prizba, Karbuni and Potirna. In front of them is a group of islands with beautiful beaches. On the northern coast is the Prigradica Cove with a nice harbour.

The inhabitants of Blato have always cherished their tradition and culture, which is substantiated by the existence of 15 cultural societies and associations.

The most prominent is the Chivalrous Society "Kumpanija" (Companions), established in 1927. The chivalrous game called "kumpanija", is one of the most interesting traditions in Blato, and regularly takes place on the 28th of April, on St. Vicenza's Day (patroness of the town), whose bones were relocated to Blato two centuries ago by consent of the Pope Pio VI.

Kumpanija is a chivalrous fight between two armies showing their readiness to defend their home, as a memory of distant centuries when the defence of the island was in hands of the island defence unit called "kumpanija" (Companions). Upon consent of the local head, the leader of soldiers, so-called "kapitan" (Captain) starts with the sword dance in several dance figures. An especially interesting part is the role of "alfir" (standard-bearer), dancing with a large flag. After the end of this chivalrous game, the soldiers may dance with girls (dance called "tanac"). Kumpanija is accompanied by bellows and a big war drum. The thousand-year-old custom of sacrificing an ox was abandoned several decades ago. The game takes place in front of the church of All Saints, on the so-called "plokata", in a suggestive ambience, where also other feasts and events are held.

BLATO, a town in the interior of the island of Korcula (4-odd km from the coast), 7 km southeast of Vela Luka; population 4,093. It lies on the eastern edge of the Blato field. Economy is based on farming (Mediterranean crops). The chief arable land is the Blato field, which has been dried (water has been taken into the Bristva Cove by a tunnel). Most of it is under vineyards. Blato is the econ-omic centre of the island, located on the regional road Korcula - Vela Luka.


Property Quick Search

First row to the sea

House on the cliff first row to the sea - island Korcula
Selling price : 1 .200 .000 €
Living space : 300 m²
Land space : 400 m²
Advantages : Terrace, First row to the sea, Sea View
House - Island of Korcula
Selling price : 320 .000 €
Living space : 196 m²
Land space : 1000 m²
Advantages : Terrace, First row to the sea, Sea View, Infrastructure
House - Island of Korcula
Selling price : 600 .000 €
Living space : 278 m²
Land space : 554 m²
Advantages : First row to the sea, Sea View, Infrastructure, Parking / garage
Apartment - Island of Korcula
Selling price : 220 .000 €
Living space : 98 m²

Advantages : Terrace, First row to the sea, Sea View, Infrastructure, Parking / garage, Barbecue
Apartment - island of Korcula
Selling price : 77 .000 €
Living space : 31 m²

Advantages : Terrace, First row to the sea, Sea View, Infrastructure, Parking / garage, Barbecue